Mindset Matters

Whether you’re leading a project, leading change or leading experts,
to think and perform at your best, mindset matters.

What We Do


Whether hugely experienced, recognising challenges, or growing into a new role sometimes a more individual level of support is needed. Our coaching approach is designed to help managers and executives perform at their best.


Our extensive experience of facilitating change and supporting others through change provides a practical, pragmatic and proven approach that embeds change capability within your organisation.

Who We Work With

Universities, Research & Academia

Unique environments staffed by unique individuals.

Early Stage & Rapid Growth Entities

Expert led and experiencing the challenges of growth.

Organisations Experiencing Change

Staffed by experts delivering through change.

The Expert Mindset

Experts are unique.

Understanding the way they think and perform is crucial to performance in organisations employing knowledgeable and technically specialised individuals.

Our approach and content is designed specifically to give your experts and their managers and leaders the skills, confidence and capability to continue to develop as experts in their fields.

What People Are Saying

“Your delivery is exceptional and you have such credibility within the organisation… “
Business Change Manager, UK Research Institute
“ I’ve attended multiple day change courses in the past and managed a lot of change in the private and public sector. I have learnt more this morning than I have in all of the courses that I have done before put together… ”
Transformation Manager on our Thriving Through Change Course
“By far the best training course I have ever done, not just because of the material, but also because of your honest insights into the sector as a whole…”
Dr S.L. on our Project Management Mindset Course